Seawave Shelter - North West Cost

Our proposals provide a nature-inspired response connecting users and onlookers alike to enjoy the spectacle of the seaside.

We are using the strengths in nature and the local context of the site to provide an innovative, robust and build-able solution to the shelter and kiosk.

By studying waves, natural stone, water erosion, time and the influences that these have on our seaside ecosystems, we are guided to these two exciting solutions.

The ‘Seawave Shelter’ responds to the ideologies of a wave working and moving above you, responding to the light and air that is constantly moving around to create a playful and ever changing rhythmic and responsive solution which can excite all the senses by its activity. Our solution explores the very nature of shelter with its structural columns providing wind breaks to prevailing winds, platforms for seating and areas of display and interaction with the public.

All power is provided by the small solar panel units with fibre reinforced polymer on the roof wave structures. These structures, made from stainless steel, are inspired by vertical seaside ‘groin’ structures, growing reeds and plant life. Each unit has a light-weight air-wave/screw which rotates in the wind and generates power for the shelter or for the adjacent kiosk. Each structural stick holds a light reflective unit at the bottom end. This provides a visually moving lighting display in the evenings but then slowly retreats and fades away once the energy gained through the day subsides. The floating seating is made from semi-transparent perspex for ease of maintenance.

The kiosk is embracing the robust form of a sea-stone, acting as an opening pearl shell which has one strong and firm fixed side and one opening moveable side to invite interest and provide ample public display. Each unit provides for working staff and their requirements in useable and operational spaces with hatches and display areas as required. The material combination of a basalt stone with a lightweight internal ‘skin’ of timber provides a juxtaposition of materials for this moving piece of architecture, heavyweight and lightweight working together. The unit opens with a series of jockey wheels, the lightweight opening wing allows for maximisation of display areas and a protective heart to users of the kiosk.

The closing of the kiosk ensures a robust and long term durable form, protected from potential vandalism and the forces of nature. The rock sits on a lighting stick around the perimeter, creating the appearance of a floating beacon when the unit is open at dusk, which shuts down overnight so as not to attract unwanted attention.